
Pain Free Jaw Function Routine

Only use your jaw in the pain free range. If your jaw hurts when you use it, your jaw muscles may tighten and cause more pain. Just like running on a sprained ankle, overuse of jaw muscles and joints delays healing and may cause reinjury.

Limit mouth opening to a pain free range.
Limit mouth opening associated with yawning or sneezing by supporting your chin with your hand.
Consume a soft diet (Avoid firm, hard and chewy foods. Do not bite into apples, carrots, ice or chew tough meat.). 
Use slower chewing strokes and take smaller bites. Cut food into smaller pieces. 
Limit musical instrument playing and singing to pain free periods. 

When possible, avoid jaw joint clicking/popping, especially if painful. Do not have your jaw pop more than 5 times a day. 
Avoid parafunctional habits such as chewing gum, biting fingernails, pursing lips, biting on pens/pencils. Do not clench or grind your teeth during the day. Be aware of stressful events or times during the day when you may clench your teeth such as driving, computer work, exercising or under stress.