
Myofascial Pain

Myofascial Pain

Myofascial Pain services offered in Gulfport, MS

Feeling triggered? If you suffer from trigger point pain in your muscles that persists and worsens over time, you could have myofascial pain. This type of pain can be as mysterious as it is serious. We provide treatments for myofascial pain in your jaw, mouth, face, head, and neck, giving you relief. Call today or schedule an appointment online.

Myofascial Pain

What is myofascial pain?

Myofascial pain is a chronic condition caused by a taut band of muscle fibers, “knots.” When a muscle develops a taut band, blood supply, and oxygen can not enter that portion of the muscle; therefore, the muscle can not repair itself. It causes an area of ischemia. This causes muscle pain and sometimes affects unrelated parts throughout your body that persist and worsen over time.

At Remedy Clinic, the team specializes in managing and treating pain disorders of the jaw, mouth, face, head, and neck. They understand the discomfort you can experience from myofascial pain and provide treatment options to improve your quality of life. 

What are the symptoms of myofascial pain?

If you experience muscle pain that radiates to another location in your body or you have generalized pain in multiple sites in your body., you may have myofascial pain.

Symptoms of myofascial pain include:

  • Aching pain in one or or many muscles
  • Pain that persists or worsens
  • Tender knot in a muscle that radiates pain to a different area
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty sitting up straight
  • Low mood or depression

While everyone experiences muscle pain, you should make an appointment with the medical experts at Remedy Clinic if yours persists, despite rest and self-care treatments.

What causes myofascial pain?

Myofascial syndrome is caused by muscle tightness and typically occurs after a muscle has been contracted repetitively. This sets off trigger points in your muscles and can occur with repetitive motions in your job, sports, or stress-related muscle tension.

You may also experience myofascial pain if you have vitamin deficiencies, a chronic infection, anemia, endocrine dysfunction, side effect of medications, and poor posture.  

How do you treat myofascial pain?

When you come into Remedy Clinic for your appointment, your provider discusses your symptoms with you and asks about repetitive activities or injuries you’ve had to determine the cause of your pain. 

They conduct a physical exam and feel for tight muscles that trigger your pain. They may also run imaging and diagnostic tests to eliminate other potential causes for your pain and a visual exam to look for postural abnormalities.

If you’re diagnosed with myofascial pain, your provider creates a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs, which may include physical therapy and trigger point injections. In addition, therapeutic medications and relaxation techniques may be recommended to reduce muscle tension.

If you think you have myofascial pain, call Remedy Clinic or schedule an appointment online today to learn more about your treatment options. 

Learn More about Muscle trigger point referral patterns of the head and neck

trigger point