


TMJ services offered in Gulfport, MS

Headaches, ear pain, and jaw pain can be a sign of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is the joint involved with temporomandibular disorder (TMD). TMD is a group of conditions involving the orofacial region divided into those affecting the TMJ and those affecting the masticatory muscles. At Remedy Clinic our team of dental professionals can provide an accurate diagnosis and treatment for this painful and often debilitating condition.  Call our friendly office staff today or book an appointment online.

Learn More About TMJ/TMD


What is TMJ?

Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is located on both sides of your head, connecting your mandible (jaw) to your skull, acting like a hinge. When it works properly, your jaw moves up and down and side to side with fluid motion. You use this joint regularly when you smile, talk, chew, or yawn.

When your TMJ doesn’t work correctly, you can experience headaches or pain in your jaw, face, neck, and even around your ears.

Because your pain can stem from a combination of issues, such as injury, tension, arthritis, or grinding your teeth, you should visit Remedy Clinic for an accurate diagnosis.

What is the difference between Tempromandibular Joint (TMJ) and Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD)?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a hinge-like that connects your jawbone to your skull, allowing you to open and close your mouth. Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD), on the other hand, refers to a group of conditions that affect the TMJ and the surrounding muscles and tissues.

In other words, TMJ is the anatomical structure itself, while TMD encompasses various disorders or problems related to the TMJ. TMD can involve pain, discomfort, or dysfunction of the jaw joint, often resulting in symptoms like jaw pain, clicking or popping sounds when moving the jaw, headaches, ear pain and difficulty in opening or closing the mouth. It's a broader term that covers any issues or disorders related to the TMJ and its associated structures.

What are the symptoms of TMJ disorders?

TMJ disorders can cause severe discomfort or pain. Symptoms include:

  • Headaches
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Inability to open your mouth fully
  • Pain or tenderness in your jaw
  • Aching or stabbing pain in your face or near your ears
  • Clicking, popping, or grinding sound when you chew
  • Locking of your jaw when opened or closed

If you experience any of these symptoms, call Remedy Clinic as soon as possible to get the relief you need.

How are TMJ disorders treated?

As a board-certified orofacial pain specialist, Dr. Elenbaas and her team have the expertise and experience to treat your TMJ disorder. If you have a popping or grinding sound, pain, grind your teeth, or are unable to open your mouth fully, your provider may recommend jaw occlusal splint therapy, which uses an orthotic device you place in your mouth to help protect your teeth and TMJ. The practice also offers TMJ injections to relieve your pain.

In addition, she may recommend home therapy exercises that include:

  • Relaxing your jaw 
  • Partially and fully opening your jaw, jaw stretching
  • Tucking your chin
  • Neck stretching 
  • Pushing your tongue to the roof of your mouth in the “N” position
  • Producing side-to-side jaw movement
  • Promoting forward jaw movement

All exercises help strengthen, stretch, and relax your jaw, which can help it function properly. Hot and cold therapies are also very beneficial and may improve function.

During your consultation at Remedy Clinic, your provider discusses your various treatment options to give you the most successful outcome. 

If you have any kind of discomfort or pain in your jaw, or if you’re having difficulty opening or closing your mouth, it may be time to seek help from a medical professional. Don’t hesitate to call Remedy Clinic today or use the convenient online booking system.

Learn More About TMJ/TMD

Face or cheek pain from bruxisum, tmj, airway resistance